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Add your patient as a contact

If you choose to use the add the patient as an invitee to the appointment method to add a patient's data to the appointment, first you need to create a contact card in your calendar provider. To do this, follow these steps:

If you’re using a Google account

  1. Go to the CONTACTS app 

2. Click the Add a new contact button to the address book.

3. Enter a name, email, and a valid mobile phone number for the person. Be sure to include the COUNTRY CODE and LOCAL AREA.  

For example, a valid mobile phone from Palo Alto, USA would be: +16501234567 

Watch the step by step video:

If you’re using an Outlook account

  1. Go to the PEOPLE app 

2. Click the NEW button to add a new contact to the address book. (The button is shown below)

3. Enter a name, email, and a valid mobile phone number for the person. Be sure to include the


For example, a valid mobile phone from Palo Alto, USA would be: +16501234567 

Watch the step by step video:

For more questions or information, please contact

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