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How to send massive messages

Do you need to send a special promotion or a specific message to your patients/ clients? We can help you!! Just follow the next steps:

Step 1: Enter into your Holly account.

Step 2: Click the mail icon tab on the blue menu.

Step 3: Type the message you want to send on the MESSAGE box.

In this message box, you will be able to type up to 300 characters.

Step 4: Write the Name and the Phone Number with the Lada code on the corresponding text box.

You can add as many people as you want.

Step 5: Click the send orange button and send your text!

Example: In our text, we want to send information about Holly’s new feature Self-scheduling

She really is the best AI assistant!!

For more questions and information, do not hesitate to contact we will be happy to help you 🙂

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