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Can Holly skip a specific Exam Room?

What happens if I use a room for non-medical appointments? For example, for personal appointments. Can Holly not send messages to just a specific room?

The answer is yes. Now you can tell Holly to work in an office but without taking (confirm) appointments in a specific room. Setting this up is very simple.

Step 1: Log into your Nimblr account using your Drchrono account credentials.

Step 2: Go to the Preferences tab.

Step 3: Select the Office/Calendar where is the room you want to exclude. 

Exam rooms to exclude.gif

Step 4: In the Exam rooms to exclude section, click on the list of rooms and select the one(s) you want Holly to skip.


Important: If you want to exclude rooms in more than one Office/Calendar, you will need to repeat the same steps above for each Office.

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